Welcome to Pack 648 TroopTrack website. We manage our pack through troop track service. We also have a static website at https://cubscoutpack648.com
Our pack is represented by the San Diego Imperial Council and serves the greater Rancho Penasquitos community within the Rancho Mesa Zone. Pack 648 is comprised of diverse scout families mostly from Adobe Bluffs Elementary School and several from surrounding schools. We are a gender-neutral pack and welcome all children of school age levels kindergarten through fifth grade. While having fun is an essential outcome of our activities, we remain guided by the rules and policies set by the national organization to best set forth and achieve goals. Please visit the BSA website for more information.
Interested in joining our pack!? Please refer to our online registration process use the QR Code below or contact our Pack Committee Chair or Cubmaster. More information about the pack can be found in our Overview of Pack 648 or click the overview from the menu in the top corner of this page.